Saturday, March 21, 2009


Back in school, we were taught about venn diagrams. Here's my not so strict interpretation! It's "not so strict" because the borders, upon close inspection, aren't well defined. It's a venn+artistic license. I call it mathematical graffiti.

Here're some closeups...

In the overlapping region, the lines that make up the disks clearly fight for space. Unlike a venn diagram, where usually the overlapping regions combine according to some logical criteria. Here, the component sets fight for indentity.

The non-regular shape of the border region is evident here. Each disk is comprised of thousands of individual lines, emanating from its centre. They have a pseudo-random perturbation from the vector pointing directly away from the centre of the disk.

I think I'll call it Luminosity. The white background seems to penetrate through the disks, giving them a lightbox type of visual effect.

Have a look here should you want a print of Luminosity.

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